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Showing posts from January, 2011


In postgraduate studies, there are two main program which is taught Masters and research Masters . Taught master emphasize more on the specialization of broader learning themes covered in undergraduate study. It involves mainly on coursework, presentation, experiments and exams which need to be passed in order to qualify a Master degree. As for research Masters, the student will carry out their research under the supervision of a senior academician and there are no exams in the final phase of study. The peak moment will be the viva-voce stage, a defend stance of the research in front of a panel of experts in their field. There are a simple advice to whom eager to pursuit their Master' degree.The study is more intense than the undergraduate level. Lacking of commitment will resulted to hard struggle to complete the program in time.


4) Retaining Wall capable to avoid the slope failure occurrence As a general understanding, the retaining  wall do able to retain the soil of the slope. However, there are several issues that could lead to disaster: a) Poor construction of the retaining wall b) Lack of maintenance work such as cleaning up the clogged drain and treat the eroded area at slope. 5) The slope already there about a decade ago. It is safe A natural slope can fail suddenly without any advance sign even though it is already there for years. Even thou there are no sign of failures, the Factor of safety (FOS) might be low or reaching at a critical level. 6) The Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) report guarantee the slope safety . The EIA report only describe the impact to the environment due to development proposal in one area and their surrounding. It did not check or taking account the engineering aspect of the slope in details whether it is safe or requiring a remedial method or no...