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The radiation incident involving one the most developed countries had sparked an aggressive sentiment through out the whole world regarding to the quality of standard safety measures of nuclear energy plant. Rare earth (RE), even though not as risky as the actual uranium ores, still deemed as a threat to the local people. A heated debate lingers in Gebeng, state of Pahang, Malaysia.  In terms of quantity, the material was abundant in the earth's crust. However, only few places in the world have the most high quality  RE ores such as Lynas's Mount Weld in Western Australia. For decades, China has become the most prominent RE producers in the world with 80% reserves of RE in the world (Y.Zhang, Q.J.Meng & N.Zhou, 2007) The RE waste disposal procedure are a vital concern to scientist as it pose a serious threat to the food chain. RE ores and commodities, including the by-product and waste materials resulted from RE processing are naturally radioactive due the presence of


In postgraduate studies, there are two main program which is taught Masters and research Masters . Taught master emphasize more on the specialization of broader learning themes covered in undergraduate study. It involves mainly on coursework, presentation, experiments and exams which need to be passed in order to qualify a Master degree. As for research Masters, the student will carry out their research under the supervision of a senior academician and there are no exams in the final phase of study. The peak moment will be the viva-voce stage, a defend stance of the research in front of a panel of experts in their field. There are a simple advice to whom eager to pursuit their Master' degree.The study is more intense than the undergraduate level. Lacking of commitment will resulted to hard struggle to complete the program in time.


4) Retaining Wall capable to avoid the slope failure occurrence As a general understanding, the retaining  wall do able to retain the soil of the slope. However, there are several issues that could lead to disaster: a) Poor construction of the retaining wall b) Lack of maintenance work such as cleaning up the clogged drain and treat the eroded area at slope. 5) The slope already there about a decade ago. It is safe A natural slope can fail suddenly without any advance sign even though it is already there for years. Even thou there are no sign of failures, the Factor of safety (FOS) might be low or reaching at a critical level. 6) The Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) report guarantee the slope safety . The EIA report only describe the impact to the environment due to development proposal in one area and their surrounding. It did not check or taking account the engineering aspect of the slope in details whether it is safe or requiring a remedial method or not A detai


1) The site investigation (SI) indicate that the slope is safe. In reality, the result of site investigation only reveal the soil properties in details, but not as a firm assurance for the safety of the slope. A geotechnical engineer must perform a complete analysis by using the site investigation's result to derive the factor of safety (F.O.S). A good judgement from an engineer also vital before finalizing the F.O.S. The slope composition and geology can be extremely varies even at a near distance. Geology information, soil classification and properties play a prime role in determine the slope stability. 2) Heavy downpour resulted to slope failure For a layman, it is logical for the slope to fail during heavy rainfall. As to engineer, continuous downpour will increase the water table and hence diminishing the F.O.S of the slopes. A minimum F.O.S is within 1.2 to 1.4, depending on the risk values to human and economy. In Malaysia, the minimum acceptable F.O.S is 1.5. 3) So

BOOKS REVIEW: Sabriel by Garth Nix

 Yeah...welcome to the grim fantasy of the dead. The world which filled with free magic and charter magic.The story depicted about a girl named Sabriel. Daughter of Mage Abhorsen. In their world, Abhorsen is the special person which is capable to bind the dead. Sabriel was in misson to seek out her missing farther. To do so, she need to cross the save haven of the sacred Wall and facing the gruesome creatures with great thirst for blood and life force. She's soon discovered the secret lies within her bloodlines and families. Not to mention about her great enemy, Kerrigor. Buy the books and you will enjoy the plot absolutely. This is the first volume of the great epic. Garth Nix had crafted the story in a way that you will anxiously want to grab the second volume.  

MOVIE'S REVIEW: Harry Potter and The Deadly Hollow

   Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 Finally. The epic story of J.K. Rowling has finally comes to its end. Well..almost. This is part one of the two movies based on the final volume (Frankly, I prefer watching the movies instead of reading the books). It was unusual as the endings was split up into two movies. Well, the reason being perhaps they will able to digs more gold on the franchise as much as possible or perhaps they just don't want the final ends too early...or..perhaps the other reasons that we will never know. Honestly, the adaptation of the book was quite fair (perhaps on the first half). The first part take us away from the safe haven of Hogwarts. Meanwhile, our three heroes race against time in search of the Horcruxes which contains part of Voldermort's soul. Voldermort becomes a ruthless killer. You can expect a tension in the build up and the dark, heavy overtones are almost suffocating. The movie is 45 minutes longer than the previous one. For


Here we are. The most notable and the world best universities in the world: 1) Harvard University - United States 2) California Institute of Technology - United States 3) Massachusetts Institute of Technology - United States 4) Stanford University - United States 5) Princeton University - United States 6) University of Cambridge - United Kingdom 7) University of Oxford - United Kingdom 8) University of California Berkeley - United States 9) Imperial College London - United Kingdom 10) Yale University - United States