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Concerns have been voiced regarding potential employment losses in the creative sector due to the rising reliance on artificial intelligence (AI). While it is true that some employment may be replaced by automation, it is crucial to note that not all creative positions are at risk of being mechanised. Jobs that involve human creativity and intuition are unlikely to be replaced by computers anytime soon due to the nature of creative activities that AI cannot imitate.

As long as unique and original works that appeal to human desires and needs are produced, there will be a demand for creative jobs in the future. As long as people continue to create important works of art, there will be a viable and thriving creative sector. Businesses must adapt to changing market conditions by adopting cutting-edge technologies and software into their workflows.

This will allow them to remain competitive and respond rapidly to market changes. Companies that lag behind their competitors in this area may see their market share shrink as more technologically advanced competitors marginalise them.

An increasing market for innovative products and services will boost demand for highly trained professionals with a wide range of industry-specific skill sets. Individuals must develop innovative thinking skills and problem-solving talents in order to remain competitive in global business.

Ultimately, AI may be able to automate some technical positions in the creative industries, but producing high-quality material for the industry as a whole will always require creative and skilled individuals. As a result, it is critical to educate the future generation to be innovative thinkers and leaders in their fields. The creative sector will prosper as long as people continue to create meaningful works of art that appeal to human desires and needs.

M. Azmir. Abd. Mutalib



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