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OBSESSION IN COMMERCIAL COMPUTER SOFTWARES APPLICATION FOR PROBLEMS SOLVING by Muhammad Azmir In the old days, engineers relied on an intuitive and highly developed sense of structural behaviour. As time passes, the invention of computer software is sought to expedite the problem solving processes and to cater for the current design complexity. In typical small talk between two consulting engineers, the prime subjects normally will be the ongoing projects and the software they use. I'm not a gainst the usage of any commercial softwares, be it ESTEEM, ORION, TEKLA, STAAD PRO, PLAXIS, just to name a few. In this new era, it is inevitable and unavoidable for engineers to incorporate the softwares to achieve the desired outcomes. The underpinning issue is in regard to quality software operators vs quality engineers. Quality software operators are the one that understand the steps to produce the results as stipulated in the manuals. By attending any short courses, any in


UNLOCKING THE VALUE OF SLIM RIVER by Muhammad Azmir Whenever people talk about Slim River, especially the outsiders, the scope of contexts will only evolve around the “slimming remarks” and the jam along the PLUS highway. As expected, nothing special can be discussed by them about Slim River’s town compared to the infamous Tanjong Malim. As to my best knowledge, Slim River has a lot of untapped values. It has a perfect ecosystem for business people to invest and to create more attractions for  higher return. Reliable infrastructures, strategic location, untapped skilled workers from Giat MARA and Vocational College, vast land, tourism attraction and local talents, are list of invaluable assets. The setting up of Econsave mall and the Summit Hotel was the turning point that lifted the familiar dull backdrop, creating more jobs to the communities. It goes without saying that the initial development creates the ripples, spreading to the locals by forming a business ecosys


Interesting by looking at the speed of the amendment move by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH). To be fair, they should include LAM/PAM as part of the crucial stakeholders before tabling the OSHA amendment. By the way, creating another rule of law to regulate the architectural practice will be redundant and thus creating more pressure to the practice as the Architects Act 1967 is more than suffice to safeguard the interest of the public. The same goes t o engineers under Engineers Act 1967. In the aspect concerning professional demeanor, it would be unrealistic to justify such move that undermine the professionals' credibility in construction industries. A knee-jerk reaction is not a professional way to harmonise the construction issues and well-being . Listen to the voice of professionals. By Muhammad Azmir


Back then in 2015, there were some, well sort of uproars in regard to restriction of “Engr.” abbreviation before the graduate engineers’ name. The privilege of “Engr.” originated under the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) and definitely became as the beacon for engineering graduates to submit their membership registration. The restriction was due to the Board of Engineers Malaysia ( BEM) argument that such abbreviation will be misconstrued by the publics as “Professional Engineer”. Professional Engineer is the highest testament for any engineers in Malaysia in pursuing their career or establishing their own consultancy practice. Since its inception, the primary goal of having the Professional Engineer “licensure” is to provide engineering services in full-scale and in accordance to Engineer’s Act 1967. In 2015, the Engineer’s Act 1967 was amended to enhance the quality of engineers and in quest for the liberalisation of engineering services. The action has resulted t

A Tale of Teamwork Delusion: Understanding the Embedded Culture of “Taichi” within the Construction Industry

Courtesy of Ram-Tech Construction Inc “Taichi” terminology was a norm word used by Malaysian as the act of shifting the blame / responsibilities to other individual or parties. Construction industry comprises of many teams from different fields. Some may have already known or works together while others are just total strangers. I would like to emphasize the four (4) primary players, the Architects, Civil & Structural Engineers, Quantity Surveyors and the Contractors. Architect will lead the team players and acts as the front line towards the respective clients. For design and build contracts, the contractors will be the pay master and appoint their own teams while the conventional contracts process appoint the team players separately. Good coordination is a must for the client to achieve their target and cost. Now, how would the “Taichi” fits into the picture? When one issue crop up and jeopardize the time frame and cost, all team players will scramble to issue thei